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Astro Forecast by StarzCelestial - Venus in Aries/Feb 4th

Jan 31, 2017

Venus goes into Aries on the 4th. We have a shift in energies when it comes to our ability to love and be loved. While Venus went through Pisces, we were thinking about being in love with love - in a totally idealistic way. Pisces is the sign that Venus is completely exalted way, because Pisces represents the highest and greatest love that humans can achieve. When we aspire to love in the most Godlike of ways, in a completely non-judgemental, universal, accepting way - then we’ve made it.

With Venus having been in Pisces, we’ve really gotten completely romantic about love with someone. We tend to fantasize about the man on the white charger, or the princess - the one that will come and sweep us away from all of this. We truly can look at love in a mythical way with this placement - the personal and universal love - and completely unconditional.

Now with Venus going into Aries, the rose-colored glasses will come off, and we’ll be viewing romance through firey glasses - in other words, instead of puffy clouds, kittens and rainbows, we’ll be looking at love with fire and passion. Whatever turns you on, will be the way things are done for the next few weeks. We might find ourselves actually asserting ourselves in a whole new way, towards a potential partner or situation that will bring us very good feelings. Might be a risk, but you’ll be willing to take it. Since Mars went into Aries a few days ago, this should be easier to do. Mars and Venus align themselves to make things happen, as long as YOU do the work!

The following week, on Thursday, we finally have one planet that is going retrograde and thats Jupiter. This entire month with all the planets in direct motion, has felt very good - like everything is moving forward. When we get to Jupiter, it might feel as though our opportunities are slipping away or we might be missing some of them. We just have to realize that there are times for expansion, then we rest and have to rethink and regroup on those things that things to our lives. Just realize that there might be a break from all-out expansion, and it’ll be time to review what accomplishments you’ve made in the last several months.

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