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Astro Forecast by StarzCelestial - Sun & Mercury in Scorpio

Oct 26, 2016

This week, the Sun, as well as Mercury, went into the sign of Scorpio. I have noticed my propensity to want to watch or horror movies in the last few days, which I almost never do. That figures, doesn’t it? I find it interesting that the most creepy of days that we celebrate - Halloween - comes during the Sun’s transit through Scorpio.

It is as if we draw the curtain closed, and step into the dark for a while. I also find it interesting that the national elections also happen during the Sun’s sojourn through Scorpio. It is as if we have to let go of all the former structures of our country, to make way for the new ones to enter in January of the next year.

It seems as though, while the Sun (and any other planets moving through Scorpio), there seems to be borne an inquiry into the inner workings and depths of mysteries that are screaming to be decoded. A deep sense of meaning pervades, because of our wanting to look further - not just settle for surface meanings.

If you are wondering why you’re feeling a bit down, and perhaps more curious than normal about the rather dark things in life, I believe that is normal.

Just as we are about to embark into a process of hibernation in the winter months, we take a look back at the things we want and need to leave behind. Elimination is one of the proceses involved while the Sun moves through Scorpio, and that is what we want to do - to eliminate that which seems to emotionally stop us. It is difficult, but it is necessary to purge out all things that are secret, and perhaps frighten us.

If we can do that, we can renew ourselves once the Sun moves towards Sagittarius. I wish you all of you the best during the Month of Scorpio!

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