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Astro Forecast by StarzCelestial - Sun in Pisces/Jupiter Retrograde

Feb 21, 2017

The Sun went into Pisces this week, which means things will get a little more accepting of things that might happen, that you could resist. The sign of Pisces is interesting, because it is all 12 signs combined. Those that are Pisces are very empathic, sensitive, and can literally understand anyone’s point of view. And since your writer is also a Pisces, I feel well qualified to talk on this subject.

The concept of universal love is a dominant theme this month. Perhaps we’ll see a softer side of Mr. Trump, but even if he doesn’t, WE will see HIM in a much better light. Pisces has to do with letting go (and letting God), and when we do that, no matter what you’re letting go OF, it releases us into a very relaxed state. You’ll likely hear this month, all those people that let go of a long-standing issue, and their claims that it “felt like a giant weight off my shoulder.” Truly, this can be a truly Piscean experience when that happens. The lifting of pain, and deep worry can help those who suffer, so that they can move on. We won’t be worried so much about the little things, but really looking at the the “big picture” of any given situation is.

We still only have Jupiter in retrograde, so, things are moving forward at a good clip. Evidence of this is showing with our country, and the pace it seems to be moving. We just have to hang on for the ride. It might get more intense over the next several weeks, but just keep the faith that things will work out for the best, because there really isn’t any other choice.

We are truly learning Pisces’ lessons this month. At the end of the zodiac there is great wisdom. Keep that in mind for this next month, and things will feel a lot better.

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