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Astro Forecast by StarzCelestial - Saturn Direct

Aug 9, 2016

Saturn is direct on August 13. This Saturday, Saturn will go direct, which will be a great relief by many. Saturn, as many of you know, is the “cosmic cop” of the universe. This hard task-master planet will get on our backs, especially when we’re needing to learn a lesson about personal (and professional) responsibility. Saturn events always seem to do with a crisis that requires us to look at ourselves, openly a with realistic perspective. We always have moments when we cannot blame or shame someone else - we have to own up to our actions, even if its really hardcore.

Saturn is the teacher of these moments, which are always hard to deal with. These episodes will have the effect of either: 1. we face our own shortcomings with a really defensive attitude, but move ahead with a defense mechanism, or an attitude that stops us from what we want, OR, 2. we learn from the circumstances in our lives, and move on with a level of maturity that was developed because of the episode itself.

When Saturn goes direct, there is a feeling of being un-stuck, and getting back on the perpetual hamster wheel and going forward again. When Saturn is retrograde, a lot of our long-term goals will get reviewed and reassessed. It will be a somewhat rough period of doing a lot of hard work on the self, to examine our real nature - the nature of being real with ourselves, and others. We may not totally be conscious of these things, but at some level we will be aware that what we are doing is perhaps not enough, or not the right direction to take. Saturn will help us find those things within us that will help us stand firm in what we want.

Saturn going direct will help us move in the right direction forward. Just watch for the signs, and they will be there.

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