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Astro Forecast by StarzCelestial - Mercury Goes into Libra

Oct 4, 2016

Mercury goes into Libra on the 8th. Mercury is about to enter Libra, the most diplomatic of signs on the 8th. What we can count on during this next three time period is the need to become much more even-keeled during that time.

The astrologer, Noel Tyl, has said that your planets show us what you need. Mercury in a specific sign shows us just how we need to hear things communicated to us, and how we deliver communications back to others.

Mercury in Libra will bring up to the surface, the need to have much more agreeable conversations with others. In fact, it will be necessary to make sure that all of our communications with people, are of a win/win nature. It will be necessary to focus outside of onesself during the next three weeks - because Mercury’s energy will be felt through other people. In fact, you will notice how other’s ideas will make an impact on you. We all have a chance to broaden our perspective when we see things, or embrace another’s point of view. We can all learn from this - its not all about us, sometimes. We have to learn from others.

Mars and Pluto meet, in Capricorn, on the 20th. This astrological event will likely make a pretty deep impact on all of us. Pluto and Mars, when they are together, create a rather combustive combination. Together, they can be very somewhat catastrophic, because issues that are way deep down in one’s soul can come up during this time.

When these two are combined in Capricorn, this could be something to do with societal structures that perhaps are weakening, that somehow are showing signs of cracks around the edges.

Specifically, this could mean governmental structures. To be honest, I’m concerned about this Pluto/Mars conjunction - given our country is about to vote for a new president, and this event comes about two weeks before the national election. Because our two nominees are rather unusual, this could bring up something hidden about either, or both, of them that could be rather damaging.

Stay tuned - things will bear out in the next couple of weeks. Its going to be interesting!

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