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Astro Forecast by StarzCelestial - Full Moon in Cancer - 1/12/17

Jan 9, 2017

Full moon on the 11th The full moon will have you vacillating between staying home, and going to work. Cancer and Capricorn will be juxtaposed against each other. These two signs rule your mom and your dad, so expect some kind of confrontation between those forces. The idea is to stand between these two sides and be in the middle. So, if your parents decide to have it out, be the mediator. You’ll find out that you can count on your problem solving skills.

Mercury goes into Capricorn (again) on the 13th. Mercury again moves into Capricorn after being retrograde for a while. Remember that Mercury in Capricorn is looking for the real thing - not made up stuff, over-emotional situations, or too many words. Its looking for the bottom line, cut to the quick communications that will clarify what your business is about. It will leave Capricorn on February 8th. Remember, if you’ve got business to do, and conversations to be had to further business, this is the time to do it.

All the planets are direct! And finally we have an unusual situation that doesn’t happen very often - all the planets are now direct for the next month! Jupiter will end that phenomenon on February 5th, when Jupiter retrogrades at that time.

How do we interpret this? Well, my feeling is that if you have all the planets moving forward in the sky, then everything moves forward, and that includes our lives. And actually I do seem to notice this happening. Plans that you’ve had for a while, if you put them into effect right now, you see some good results from this. I think this could be a very enjoyable period, and perhaps it gives me hope that when the presidential innaugeration rolls around on the 20th, we might have some positive things to look foward to. I hope.

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