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Astro Forecast by StarzCelestial - Full Moon Aug 18th

Aug 16, 2016

Saturn went direct on August 13th. Well, I think we may be rather relieved that Saturn has gone direct! Saturn going direct will feel like a sudden jolt in your career aspirations. While Saturn was retrograde, it would feel as though our ambitions seem to go south, and we can’t quite commit to making major decisions about what we need to do professionally during those months while Saturn is retrograde.

When Saturn is retrograde, the best thing that can be done during that time, is to reassess our goals to make sure we’re going in the right direction. Sometimes its just better to sit things out and, yes use one of those RE words - regroup, reassess review - what you’re doing during this time of a Saturn retrograde. Its not a bad idea, actually - sometimes we have to accept that there doesn’t seem to be forward momentum. If we an accept that, we can take that time to look over what has been done.

Once Saturn goes direct, those stops that have been put on, seem to release themselves. It will feel very subtle, but one can feel life move forward again.

Full moon on August 18th, in Leo/Aquarius. This full moon is particularly interesting to myself, because this full moon is at 25 Leo/Aquarius. My Venus is at 24 Aquarius so, it will affect me perhaps having to do with relationships. This full moon event will have to do with the needs of the few, versus the many. Leo is about the ego and the self, and Aquarius is the many and diverse. One thing that will likely be asked is if you’re treating someone equally, or are you looking for your own gain. If this is the issue, you might have an experience of choosing between both sides, and realizing that. It should be a very interesting full moon!

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