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Astro Forecast by StarzCelestial - Full Moon

Jul 21, 2016

Full moon, 7/19/16, 3:00pm pacific time. This full moon is in Cancer/Capricorn which highlights the opposition between home, hearth and family, and one’s personal career. That can truly be the fish that is floating to the top of the bowl tonight. Truly, it will seem that its is usually one thing or another, but the full moon asks us to balance our energies between two polarities.

The Cancer sun really has us wanting to to stay home and take care of our family. Its orientation is extremely personal and has to do with feelings we have about those things, especially the sentimental ones, where we visit memories from the past that can be bittersweet. There is a natural tendency to want to “cave”it a bit, during this time. We want both extremes - the home and career, and attempt to juxtapose them together within the same framework.

This full moon also has to do with the 4th and 10th houses, most commonly known at the “parental axis.” Why? Because these houses show us the nature of the relationship we have with both our parents - most specifically, the 4th house has to do with the nurturing, caretaking parent (usually the mother), and the 10th house has to do with the head of the household, head of the family, or parent that is in a position of authority (usually the father).

However, it depends on each family to determine which parent sits in which house. In my family, the roles were reversed; my mother was more of a father figure than my dad, and my dad was the nurturing, caretaking parent. When we see roles like this reverse themselves, it can make for very interesting family dynamics. When we want to find out which parent occupies which house, look at the sign on the house cusp - that will usually give us an indicator as which house which parent plays itself out in.

This full moon will bring up conflicts between these two factions; father and mother issues can be very common during this full moon. If so, there is an opportunity, as with any full moon, and that is to stand between both sides and look at both. That can give us perspective; we can actually “get” both sides of the same coin, and embrace both. And that is called maturity.

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