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Astro Forecast by StarzCelestial

Sep 6, 2016

This is really an amazing week for expansion and development! As of 3:19am, on September 9th Jupiter moves into the sign of Libra! This is a really good sign to put Jupiter in, by the way, because its in the sign of relationships, balance and everything Venus.

The word, expansion is truly a Jupiterian word, it implies that whatever expands is getting bigger - or at the very least, its being made a big deal out of. We gain new opportunities, which expand our sphere of influence externally, as well as internally too. Expansion is also including the coherence of life as well; when we expand, we also integrate the before and after, as well. This provides, more or less, more opportunities for integration.

Jupiter moving into Libra, will give us all pause to reflect: just how can I connect with others successfully? The connection, because Libra is air, is through the mind, and the spoken and written word. It is also a sign that demands socialization; we have to interact with those outside ourselves to receive the benefits. New ideas, new people and new perspee actives are all a part of the Libran experience. Jupiter in Libra is literally a fresh breath of air.

Libra’s domain is relationships, and with Jupiter in this sign, there will be focus on the improvement of relating with others. The lessons of justice, harmony, balance and beauty are all a part of this.

We have two benefics - Jupiter, and Venus-ruled Libra working together as well, so we can expect to see good things come from this. Benefics are signs/planets that are good for us, and bring us positive messages. We will truly try and get along with everyone during this time, not to mention having really cool parties, too.

Jupiter in Libra is really about “why don’t we just get along?” There have been many peace accords that have happened, when Jupiter went through Libra. The last time Jupiter went through Libra, in 2004-5, the internet went through a huge expansion, as well as the launch of YouTube, which has given opportunity to the regular man, to participate in the movie-making process. Trade agreements, and openings of new businesses have also happened under Jupiter in Libra.

So, we can say that there will be a lot of positive energies coming to us for the next year - Jupiter stays in retrograde until October 10, 2017. Lets all enjoy this one, people!!

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