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Astro Forecast by StarzCelestial

Jun 7, 2016

Sorry I wasn’t here last week; I moved to a wonderful new place in Lakewood, WA, just to the south of Tacoma. I am very happy I moved; things just feel much better now!

So lets look at this week. First thing I noticed that was that Venus and the Sun has a huge conjunction and Venus could be seen transiting over the face of the sun - and this will be the last time this happens until 2117! Wow! That would be very significant in the grand scheme of things.

First of all, Venus is all about love, and the Sun is about who you are. With the two of them together in the sky, this is a fine blending of love, as well as love of self. That will be the most important part of these two planets together - is finding in yourself what you love, and cultivate that!

We just had a new moon in Gemini a day before this planetary conjunction, so this will help cement the new Sun/Venus behaviors by adding it to the list of new things to work on. A new moon shows new directions that the person is taking on for this moon cycle - so adding Venus to the Sun/moon equation can help us integrate the Venusian principle into your persona, whether or not your a man or woman!

Along with the Sun/Venus energy is Saturn sitting on the opposite side of the chart. This could be construed as a buzz-kill, but I choose to look at Saturn cementing the Geminiian principles being set into motion. It may take the form of you seeing those wonderful parts of you, and then questioning them. Remember, sometimes it takes a while to integrate something that is seemingly outside of yourself, but if you keep at it, those principles will eventually worm themselves into your psyche, and they’ll become a part of you! Saturn can just be a reality check in all this, but in the long run, those Gemini/Venus/Sun principles can be permanently entered into your own database, and can be integrated into your persona.

Watch these things this week; I’ve been doing the same - going through some hard knocks, but ultimately righting myself in what I know about myself - and telling myself the truth about that. Keep on, keeping on!

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