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Astounding Facts That Seem Too Far-Fetched To Actually Be True

May 10, 2018

Image: Car key remote -
(Collection of Free Car Keys Clipart)

There's always weird, bizarre things happening around us according to Some we don't even notice or discover until it's been years, maybe even decades and centuries later. Sometimes, the weirdest ideas come from celebrities or everyday people. These facts will shock you and leave you scratching your head, wondering if these facts are just too good to be true. However, we can promise you that they're 100% factual.

Holding Your Car Remote To Your Head Increases Its Range

Thanks to this scientific trick, you can actually increase your keys' range and find your missing car. According to Silicon Valley radio engineer, Tim Pozar, our oral cavity and fluids in our skulls naturally help the signal in our key fobs.

He says, "You are capacitively coupling the fob to your head. With all the fluids in your head, it ends up being a nice conductor. Not a great one, but it works. Using your head can extend the key's wireless range by a few car lengths."

The Majority Of Canada's Population Lives South Of Seattle

We tend to assume that certain countries, regions, etc. are further away from our home than we realize. Well, it turns out one person found that not only is Southern Canada technically further south than America's Northwestern Capital Seattle, but also that a majority of Canada's population lives there.

This man went above and beyond to prove most people in Canada live in this region by looking at Canada's 2011 census and creating his own code to figure out this fascinating fact.

Dentures Used To Be Made Of Teeth From Dead Soliders

As gross as this is, the wealthy were desperate for new teeth after failed teeth whitening attempts with acidic solutions and diets higher in sugar contributed to enamel wear. Because dentistry was still in its infancy in 1815, people tried any and everything to make a quick buck off the rich.

Enter in the Battle of Waterloo, which had huge casualties on both sides. Napoleon with 25,000, Wellington had 15,000, and Blücher had 8,000 casualties, leaving behind a large grave with open mouths to pull teeth from.

Old Kidneys Are Left In The Body After A Kidney Transplant

Believe it not, the exact organ you're trying to replace during a kidney transplant actually doesn't need to go anywhere at all. If your kidneys become diseased they merely stop functioning, but aren't "dead." It would actually be more dangerous to try to remove your kidneys because they're located in a very hard-to-reach area in your upper abdomen, while the new kidneys are easily placed lower in front of your pelvis.

The Second Largest Air Force In The World Is The United States Navy

That's right, ironically enough, the second largest air force in the world is at home in America's aquatic army. The U.S. Navy is the number one most powerful Navy in the world thanks to its 288 battle force ships, 10 aircraft carriers, nine amphibious assault ships, 22 cruisers, 62 destroyers, 17 frigates and 72 submarines. It's also no wonder the Navy is the second most powerful air force with around 3,700 aircraft (not including the 10 aircraft carriers).

Not even China can compete with their aircraft artillery with only one officially completed aircraft carrier and 650 aircraft.

Matthew McConaughey's Brother Named His Son Miller Lyte And Got Free Miller Light For A Year

You may not have heard of Matthew McConaughey's older brother "Rooster," but you won't forget his name after this strange fact. McConaughey's brother loves his flannel, trucker hats and beer like any other honest-to-God Texan would, but he took his love for a refreshing cold one to a whole other level.

Rooster decided to name his son Miller Lyte to show his appreciation to his favorite beer, and even though it took nine years, SABMiller did take notice. SABMiller decided to give their No. 1 fan 24 cases of Miller Lite. If Rooster sticks to only drinking about one and a half beers per day (which, let's be honest, he probably won't), it might last him a year and then some.

In Canada There Is An Island-In-A-Lake-On-An-Island-In-A-Lake-On-An-Island

For years, geography enthusiasts and trivia buffs believed this unique geographic oddity was only in the Phillippines on the volcanic island Luzon.

However, it turns out there's a new champion on a much larger scale in Canada within Victoria Island.

The sub-sub-sub island is part of Canada's frozen tundra by the Coronation Gulf. This region is homes to a series of long finger lakes, which ultimately creates this oddity, and because of the frigid temperatures and low population (less than 2,000), there's a high chance no one's stepped foot on the island-in-a-lake-on-an-island-in-a-lake-on-an-island.

It Takes Up To Two Years For A Pineapple To Grow

You may be surprised to learn that those deliciously sweet tropical fruits can take sometimes over 2 years to grow. That's right, you might want to start using pineapples a little less for your smoothies, snacks, and (how dare you) pizza as this sweet fruit can literally take 24 months to completely grow the stalk AND fruit.

The good news, though, is you can literally plant this fruit anywhere in the world. This is because the pineapple plant is one of the few tropical fruits that can also grow in pots, so you could actually grow your own pineapples in the comfort of your home.

The Longest Piece Of English Literature In Existence Is Over 3.5 Million Words And It's A Piece Of Fanfiction

Fanfiction isn't a new trend by any means. Many people write fanfics --- fictional based on a fan's imagination --- after their favorite movies, TV shows, books, celebrities, and even video games.

Christian's fanfic, The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest, is based on the popular Nintendo Super Smash Bros. game, but in particular, it was the North American launch of Super Smash Bros. Brawl that inspired the uber fan to pen his own world involving the characters. Back in 2013, Christian had written at least 3.5 million words with 28 chapters. Today? Now he's up to 4 million words with 220 chapters.

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