Feb 10, 2024
The animal spirit guide is a psychological and spiritual symbol, for example your spirit totem animal gives a glimpse into your past and can provide a glimpse into your present and possible future. An animal totem will offer spiritual guidance. To best understand the lessons conveyed by the power spirit animal involves learning their instinctual behaviours and natural habitats.
The animal spirit guide communicates the qualities we need or lack in our daily lives.
There are 4 types of power spirit animal guides: messenger, journey, life, and shadow.
The animal messenger guide appears to warn or guide you through a specific situation, this animal stays with you until the message is received or the situation has passed
The journey totem animal appears when you reach a crossroad, and a decision needs to be made for progression. This animal will stay with you until your journey is complete this can take days, weeks, months even years.
The life animal spirit guide remain with you throughout your life, this animal is a reflection of you
The shadow spirit guide is the one that instils fear, it tests you, it teaches lessons in areas that need to be changed, and it represents your inner fears and will continue to appear until the changes needed are made!
Owl animal spirit guide symbolises a deep connection with wisdom and intuitive knowledge. If you have an owl as your power totem animal, you probably like to explore the unfamiliar. Night time will be a favourable time for your creativity, so take the time to focus your creative energy then.
You probable also find the mysteries of life fascinating, so allow the Owl to guide you in this direction. Your Owl totem animal is telling you that help and guidance are available to you, but it is still up to you to act upon its guidance. Animals can teach humans many lessons, if only we learn to pay attention.
If you have the owl as your spirit power animal, then it is very likely that you could see what’s usually hidden too most. When the owl as your power spirit animal guides you, you are more able to see true reality, beyond illusion and deceit.
The owl is sacred to the Greek goddess of learning Athena, and is even illustrated on some Greco-Roman currency as asymbol of status, intellect and wealth.
In ancient Egyptian, Celtic, and Hindu cultures the symbolic meaning of owl revolved around guardianship of the underworlds, and the protection of the dead. The symbolic meaning of owl was honoured as the keeper of spirits who had passed from one plane to another. It was also said that the owl accompanied a spirit to the underworld.
Owl power spirit animal is symbolic of death in many cultures. That said though don’t panic, typically in most cases this should NOT be taken literally. Owl spirit animals are symbolic of death, but mostly this is a symbolic death, meaning a transition in life,i important changes that are taking place or about to happen, perhaps it will be the end of a bad habit, relationship or an ending to a state, circumstance even situation!
Let’s consider the Owl for a minute - The all-seeing Owl can see in the dark, and is therefore associated with intuition, clairvoyance and clairaudience. The Owl penetrates the darkness of night seeing and hearing that which others cannot.
If the owl is your animal spirit guide you are being called to open your eyes, ears, and mind to the truth of a situation. Listen to your own intuition – your gut feelings there is something that you need to hear. As the Owl is associated with the night chances are that this wisdom may come to you during the night, while you sleep.
So take the time to be aware of your dreams, make a special effort to write them down and allow the Owl spirit guide animal to bring you clarity.
If an Owl totem animal has appeared in your life it could be indicating the need for you to be still and to observe what is happening around you. The Owl asks you to wait, watch and gather information, open your eyes and examine what lies beneath the surface, you’ll be surprised at what you will gain from this external appearances will quite often give way to the truth hidden beneath!
If an Owl totem animal has appeared in your life it could also be an indication for you to let go of something that is no longer serving you well, or is no longer needed. Listen to your inner voice and be re-directed back on to your true life path.
When the owl animal spirit guide appears in your life it will be normally carry the message to be more alert to what happens around you, listen and look for subtle signs that are around you, that may ordinarily slip under the radar.
For a psychic photo reading to discover what animal guide is with you currently and what message it is bringing you please visit:
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#Animal Spirit Guide #Totem Animal
#Power Spirit Animal