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Angel Number 11:44

Nov 6, 2022

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Are you seeing the numbers 1144 all the time, everywhere you go? When you look at the clock, turn on the TV and so on? Then this is a sign that your Angels are trying to connect with you, because they have a message for you.

So what does the Angel number 1144 mean?

It is a signal that you need to be more positive, maybe you are seeing things from a glass half full perspective and your Angels want to encourage you to look at things differently, to see the positives around you rather than focusing on the negatives. 1144 carries the Mind, Body, and Soul's vibrations and resonates with your Divine Spiritual helpers and Angels.
The Angel Number 1144 is a reminder that you are the one in complete control of your free will. This means you get to choose your actions, reactions, emotions and thoughts these belong to you! Naturally there will be external influences in your life that will impact you, but ultimately you get to choose how you react to these and what you feel and think. So be positive!

Breaking Down the Angel Number 1144

The numbers 1 and 4 are repeated. The Angel number 1 represents new opportunities or ventures that could be beneficial to you, it is your signal to act! It asks you to step into your own power and take control. It also represents ambition, tenacity, assertiveness, individuality, purpose, and willpower.

The Angel number 1 also reminds you that you are unique, there is only one of you!

The Angel number 4 speaks about your foundations and how you choose to live your life. It also reminds you of the bigger picture and of the rules by which we live. The Angel number 4 also carries a vibration of practicality, efficiency, and hard work.

That said, 1144 is also a reminder that rules exist for a reason. They keep you safe and help you co-exist with others in harmony. But sometimes rules outlast their effectiveness and become an obstruction rather than a help. So if a particular rule is holding you back, 1144 suggests that it is time to change this rule.

Perhaps therefore your Angels are bringing this Angel Number to your attention as a call to take control and shape your own life. It asks you to make a change, it reminds you of the bigger picture and of how you can control your destination when you focus on the future, rather than becoming bogged down in the small or insignificant stuff.

Your Angels are bringing this Angel Number 1144 to encourage you to use your abilities, authority, focus, and will and to use your intellect more to manifest your desire. There is also the encouragement to be practical and pragmatic and to keep on task!

The Angel number 1144 shows the two ones together as the number 11.The number 11 is a 'Master Number,' which shows spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It also represents brilliance, inspiration, intuition, self-expression, sensitivity, and mysticism.

Your Angels are close, they supportive of your efforts and encouraging you to continue onward toward attaining your goal because this is doable, so have try and have more faith in yourself and in what you are capable of, and dig deep! Don't become discouraged or swayed from the path you have chosen for yourself!

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