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Amazing Facts About Redheads

Aug 14, 2017

Super cool Redhead Facts that will make everyone jealous of gingers from

Redheads get a lot of grief. Or, at least, they seem to be the butt of quite a few jokes. (Insert gingers-have-no-souls quips here.) Hey, what’s the deal? Did somebody miss the memo about redheads being great?

The truth is that redheads are actually super cool! Sure, they have sensitive skin, and yeah, St. Patrick’s day gives a lot of them a pretty good reason to stay at home, but redheads are truly awesome.

To help understand just how cool they are, you should learn a little more about our ginger brethren. We’ve rounded some awesome facts to help you do just that!

1. Not all redheads have blue eyes! It might seem that way, but it’s not the case. The most common eye color for redheads is brown, whereas the blue-and-red combination is actually rather rare.

2. Redheads are real-life mutants! Don’t go calling the X-Men for advice just yet, though. The recessive gene that is responsible for the red hair, MC1R, is a genetic mutation. Sadly, they have no other powers (at least none they’ve told anyone about).

3. Redheads don’t necessarily all have flowing locks. Redheads actually have less hair, on average, than brunettes or blondes. Brunettes average 140,000 strands of hair, blondes average 110,000, and redheads average about 90,000. Though, redheads often have thicker and coarser strands of hair that make their locks seem more full.

4. Redheads are really rare! In today’s world, only about 2% of people are redheaded. That’s a lot lower than in the past. This is due to the nature of human globalization and the red hair gene itself. Humans are spreading out a lot more than they ever have before in history. Red hair is a recessive gene and needs another carrier to be passed on, so as people expand, the pockets of redheads in the world mate with non-gene-carriers—and the ginger population diminishes.

5. Redheads are pretty darn royal, too. Queen Elizabeth was a ginger and many people in the Tudor bloodline share the trait. The Spencer family, which included the late Princess Diana, is known for producing redheads just like Prince Harry.

6. Nothing can hurt a redhead. Okay, maybe not “nothing,” but the MC1R gene releases a chemical called pheomelanin, which blocks the brain’s receptivity to pain. This means redheads have a higher pain threshold. That said, this does not mean it’s remotely okay to try and hurt them, mkay?

7. They are joining forces! Every September, the Netherlands holds a two-day festival in honor of redheads worldwide. Could this mean that an uprising is in the works? What will they do—force us all to wear a lot of sunscreen?

8. There’s more redheaded variety than you might think. Redheads come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. They can have golden, bright orange, or just strawberry blonde hair. They’re all a part of the family.

9. History has not been kind to redheads. Hitler’s Nazi regime considered redheads to be demonic. It went on to ban marriage between two redheads, believing that they would produce more demon children.

10. They are more likely to be left-handed. Don’t believe us? Just check in with your ginger friends. That’s just one more thing that makes redheads so utterly special and one-of-a-kind. High-five a redhead today!

11. People have been weird about redheads having (or lacking) souls for a long time. Greek mythology is full of stories of redheads turning into vampires after they have died. At least when someone’s offensive about redheads, they’re giving them cool powers.

12. Redheads look and smell delicious! According to several studies, bees are more attracted to redheads. Maybe it’s because their coloring looks like tasty flowers? Whatever the reason, make sure the redheads in your life use plenty of bug spray.

13. Redheads have a reputation for being notoriously short-tempered. While it’s true that there are plenty of hot-headed gingers out there, there’s no evidence of the stereotype being true.

14. Redheads always seem to act as inspiration for great artists. Throughout history, there has been many a painter who’s chosen to depict muses with red hair, such as the goddess in The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli. So if you’ve ever dreamed of inspiring a work of art, it helps if you have red hair!

15. Mary Magdalene was a redhead! Though there is no mention of it in scripture, many painters also chose to depict Mary Magdalene with fiery locks. Guess being a sexy, empowered woman in biblical times meant having red hair? That’s pretty darn rad.

16. Redheaded men are often mocked as youngsters for their fiery locks. The joke’s on us, though; just take a gander at just how foxy these gingers can be once they grow into their wonderfully red good looks!

17. Are you a dude with red hair? Good news! Studies published in the British Journal of Cancer suggest that men with red hair are 54% less likely to develop prostate cancer. Who knew hair color had anything to do with your health?

18. Marilyn Monroe was a redhead! Yup, it’s true. Though she was famous for her blonde hair and her curves—not to mention, her notorious baby voice—Monroe was actually a natural redhead. Oh, Hollywood, why ruin a great thing?

19. It is really difficult to dye red hair. Because red is such a strong pigment, red hair has to be stripped of its natural color entirely before another is added. So you’re better off not bothering and just savoring the beautiful hue you were born with!

Image: One shade of red hair -

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