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A Simple Candle Spell

Oct 30, 2017

This is just a simple generic candle spell that you can adapt to most anything you need. If you use it, please use it wisely. Don't use it to interfere with anyone else's life.

Find a spot where you will not be disturbed for a time and have reasonable quiet. Use a flat level surface, preferably someplace you have made sacred. You can this at any time during the day or at night. If you do it at night, you can turn the lights off, but if it makes you uncomfortable, leave them on.

You will need a candle, oil for anointing the candle, one or more herbs corresponding to your intentions. You will also need your athame, or straight pin if you don't have an athame. You can also use stones (crystals or mineral pieces)if you want to. Check herb, oil and color correspondences for the appropriate ones to use. The shape of the candle does not really matter. A Taper or votive candle will work. If you can't find the color you need, use plain white.

Carve what you wish to accomplish into the candle with the athame or pin. If you are using a taper, carve the words from top to bottom, for increasing and bottom to top for decreasing. If you are using a votive candle, carve it around the candle clockwise for increasing, counterclockwise for decreasing.

Anoint the candle with the oil. Adropis enough. Rub the oil into the candle from the wick to end for increasing and from the end to the wick for decreasing.

Put the candle in a solid holder. Sprinkle the herbs in a circle around the base of the candle (a pinch is more than enough). If you are using several stones, arrange them in a circle around the candle holder. If you are using just one stone, put it beside the holder in the direction that corresponds to the purpose of your spell. For example, if you were doing a spell to increase your physical energy, you might set the stone to the south side

Light the candle. As you light the candle, visualize what you want to accomplish. To do this, think of what you need and hold a picture of it in your mind. You can also use a chant at this point or just say what you want to happen out loud. This is optional, visualization is the most effective.

Let the candle burn outcompletelyif possible. DO NOT leave it unattended. If you have to leave or go to sleep, put the candle out (snuff it, do NOT blow it out)and relight it as soon as you can. No matter how safe you think your candle holders are, accidents can happen. ALWAYS monitor your candles, and use fireproof holders.

When the candle has burned out, dispose of the wax and herbs. Bury them if possible.

Candle Color Correspondences

-White: All Purpose, but especially good for purification, protection, truth, Maiden Aspect of the Goddess
-Black: protection, absorbing negative energies, Crone Aspect of the Goddess, reversing and transforming negativitiy, removing obstacles or blocks
-Red: Protection, energy, defense, element of fire, Mother Aspect of the Goddess, passionate love, motivation, action being taken -Pink: calm, love, reconciliation, children, peace
-Blue: truth, creativity,protection, element of water
-Green: Money, Prosperity, abundance, element of earth, success, marriage
-Gold: The God, The sun, healing, prosperity
-Silver: the goddess, the moon,neutralizing negative energies
-Purple: protection, divination, psychic abilites, change luck, removing negative energies and spells, spiritual protection
-Yellow: divination, element of air, healing, intellect
-Magenta: added to any spell to speed results
-Indigo: neutralize negative magic or negative energies

Types of candles used:

You can use most any type of candle with success. As long as the intention and faith it there, the candle doesn’t really matter. Even birthday candles can be used in a pinch with success. You might find that you like certain types of candles after trying a few. Here are a few to consider:

-Taper: The most commonly used. You need a taper holder for these. They’re very inexpensive and work well
-4-inch straight candles: These are around the size of a cigarette. They’re effective and burn out quickly, though you do need a specific kind of holder for them that may be hard to find. They can be situated in a cup of sand or even kitty litter when an appropriate sized holder isn’t available.
-7-day vigil or 2 day jar candles: these take a bit of time to burn out. They come glass encased and need no holder. You can carve your spell intent into the top of the candle, clockwise for increasing, counterclockwise for decreasing, or you can add a label to the jar with your spell intent. Anoint the top of the candle as stated above. If you use herbs, use a VERY LIGHT sprinkling, as they make it more likely the candle will catch fire and the glass will split. You might want to stick them in a metal container in case the glass cracks which happens occasionally. They are good when you need an extra energy boost because of their tendency to burn a long time.
- Votive: these can be used in the same manner as vigil or jar candles, for a shorter burning time. Don’t re-use holders with votives since residual wax may stick, so use cheap glass holders (check the dollar store) and throw them out when done. The advantage of votives in a glass holder is that you can anoint the full candle with oils and herbs before you put them in the holder. Again, you should put them on a metal or stone surface in the interests of fire safety.
-Figure candles: these candles are available in a variety of shapes from various occult shops. The shape relates to the symbolism of the work and may depend on the magical systems. The image can be useful for symbolic purposes, but check the quality of the wax as they are sometimes made from low quality wax and may crumple and burn out fast.
-Soy candles: soy candles are a joy to use. Most contain no chemicals. There is a particular kind that comes encased in a glass cup. They produce little or no soot and burn very clean. They’re worth a try if you run across them.

Watch how your candles burn for signs as to how successful your spell may be. Your best result is where most of the wax is used and there is little or no blackness or soot. Soot can mean obstacles or adversity, and it’s wise to do a cleansing or work to remove these obstacles. Candles going out are also a bad sign and may require repeated workings to wear down resistance. HOWEVER, none of this applies if the candle was poorly made to being with. Sometimes the quality of the candle overall or the conditions it was burned in (drafts, etc) can affect how it looks at the end.

Remember, only positive intent is to be used when working with candle spells.You don’t want negativity to boomerang back on to you… better to have the good come back and give you happiness.

Article - StarzJC
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