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2017 Mercury Retrograde

Aug 12, 2017

We have weathered two Mercury Retrograde cycles thus far and another one is upon us. Here is a brief recap of what we endured from as well as what we have to look forward to this month and again in December (which should make for a rather madcap holiday season!). Be aware that this article gives you the worst case scenario, things to watch out for but not be afraid of. We have the power to refuse to let something make us feel down in the dumps, so smile, put your best foot forward and just be sure to watch where you step.

During the year 2017, Mercury goes retrograde for four times as listed below:

The First one was a carry forward from last year and brought us some confusion with our champagne toast to the New Year.

• December 19, 2016to January 8, 2017 - From earth-sign 15° Capricorn 51", to fire-sign 28° Sagittarius 51".

• April 9 - May 3, 2017- From earth-sign 4° Taurus 51", to fire-sign 24° Aries 16".

• August 12 - September 5, 2017 From earth-sign 11° Virgo 38", ends in fire-sign 28° Leo 25".

• December 3 - December 22, 2017 in fire-sign 29o Sagittarius 18" and goes direct at 13°.Sagittarius 00"

If Mercury retrogrades in earth signs as it has during year 2017, be very practical about finding a solution, and strictly adhering to limits of time or budget. Money often plays a big part of both the problem and the answer when Mercury is retrograde in earthy signs.

There is a general assumption that Mercury retrograde is very bad for us. Things going out of control are always being associated with Mercury retrograde periods. But not everything goes wrong when Mercury goes retrograde. Certain things that have been eluding you for quite some time come naturally to you without much effort at this time. For some the conditionscould turn more favorable when Mercury goes retrograde than when it was direct. To sum up, Mercury retrograde is not that bad and you can count on it!

In 2017, Mercury retrogrades four times, beginning a new nine-year cycle . New people and situations and things come to play in our lives thatcan hold control of our lives for the next nine year period. We would be able to take stock of our standing in the universe and our spiritual perspective now widens. You would be able to grow in all new directions. Mercurycan bring about transformations in our lives that we would not have envisioned.

As the year 2017 unfolds, Mercury Retrograded first in Capricorn in January.

When Mercury was in retrograde in theaign of Capricorn, impossible situations came into youflife and might have lead you into the doldrums, arguments and issues in relationships. Only a calm composure would have gotten you through , you should not havemade hasty decisions. You would have tended to get into error in your work place. Buying and selling of real estate needed to be put on the back burner and you should have avoided speculative deals. Quality time needed to be spent with family friends to get out of any heartburn.

Then during April 2017, Mercury Retrograded in Taurus

When Mercury goes retrograde in the earthy sign of Taurus, almost nothing gets done in life. You would have made multiple levels of plans but everything just went haywire. You were stressed and strained and emotionally drained to the core. Added to this financials might have gotten messed up. Though you put in much effort nothing came out of it. Communications in personal and professional life got a beating. It was best advised to wait for Mercury to go direct.
During August 2017, Mercury Retrogrades in the house of Virgo

Mercury is the ruler of Virgo and when Mercury goes retrogrades in the signthe effects will be felt more. Emotions rule the roost bringing youuntold sufferings in life. You might get into unwanted trouble or arguments. Career can meet with lots of impediments. Communications go out of control, you are best advised to stay calm and not to react to situations.

Finally for the year 2017 Mercury Retrogrades In Sagittarius in December

When Mercury goes retrograde in thesign of Sagittarius, patience will be much needed as it brings untold hindrances and suffering in life. You can win the battle if you smile through your troubles. Travel plans better be postponed for later days as there will be much in the way of hassles. Misunderstandings in personal and professional life also reach a new height.

Mercury as the winged messenger on a 1949 St. Luciastamp issued in connection with the Universal Postal Union - Wikipedia

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