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15 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Clean With Baking Soda

Jan 18, 2019

Image: Sodium Bicorbonate/Baking soda -

Baking soda is like magic. There, we said it. This common little compound is cheap, readily available, and often more effective at getting things clean than pricey, chemical-laced, specialty cleaning products.

You probably already have a box of baking soda sitting around that you use for baking. Maybe you even figured out that a box of baking soda in the fridge helps to absorb odors. But did you know that baking soda can also help you clean your entire house?

Grab a box of 100% sodium bicarbonate and get ready to enjoy a deeper clean for a fraction of the cost!

1. Scrub your kitchen

Clean without the chemicals

It’s so easy to achieve a sparkling clean kitchen using nothing but baking soda. Simply sprinkle a bit of baking soda on all the dirty surfaces and follow up with a wet rag, sponge, or microfiber cloth. Baking soda has no smell, but you can add a few drops of essential oil (lemon works well) if you prefer a subtle scent.

2. Polish tarnished silver

There’s just no need for toxic silver polish if you have a box of baking soda on hand. A natural chemical reaction makes this possible.

To clean your good silver, add aluminum foil to a glass baking dish and put all your tarnished silver items on top, making sure each piece is touching the foil. Then add a mixture of boiling water and baking soda to the dish and watch as the tarnish naturally disappears! Polish as usual with a dry cloth and your silver will look new again.

3. Clean the carpets

You don’t need to rent a professional machine for this task.

The natural odor-absorbing qualities of baking soda make it perfect for freshening up dingy carpets, especially in high traffic areas like hallways and family rooms. Sprinkle the entire area with baking soda and allow it to sit for at least 15 minutes, then vacuum as usual. Voila! Your carpets will feel like new, no scary chemicals or bulky cleaning machines required.

4. Scrub pots and pans

Baking soda to soak and remove burnt-on food. Caked on food doesn’t stand a chance against baking soda.

No matter how closely you keep an eye on dinner, it’s inevitable that cooked on bits may remain on your pots and pans. To safely remove grease and grime on your cooking tools, let them soak in a sink filled with baking soda and water for 15 to 20 minutes. Any food residue should scrub right off after that.

5. Safely clean baby clothes. Keep your baby safe with baking soda.

No need to worry about rashes or irritation from chemicals.

You’re supposed to use gentle detergent when you wash all those itty bitty baby clothes as a way to protect your baby’s delicate skin. But if you really want to make sure they don’t get irritation or rashes from the chemicals in detergent, clean those onesies with baking soda instead. Just add a cup your laundry for clean, chemical-free clothing.

6. Clean the microwave

This common appliance benefits from baking soda. Remove grease and stuck on food.

Cleaning the microwave doesn’t have to be so complicated. When you notice yours getting icky, add a teaspoon of baking soda to a damp rag and scrub away stuck on food particles. This combo easily removes grease and also helps to naturally deodorize as you go.

7. Assist the dishwasher

Cut grease naturally when you use it here. Make sure those dishes are extra sparkling.

Use a sprinkle of baking soda with your dishwashing detergent to help eliminate built-up grease and grime from your dishes with literally zero effort.

8. Deodorize your shoes

Baking soda can help save your shoes from the trash can. Don’t let those shoes get smelly.

Stinky shoes? No need to throw them out just yet. A few sprinkles of regular old baking soda can help to absorb those unpleasant odors and get your feet smelling fresh again.

9. Clean your feet

Get your feet back on track. Fight back against cracked heels naturally.

If you’re like so many people suffering from cracked heels and toenail fungus, a simple baking soda soak may be the solution you need. Fill a basin with warm water and a tablespoon of baking soda to help heal your feet and kick bacteria to the curb.

10. Remove stains from your coffee pot

Make sure your coffee always tastes amazing. Coffee and tea lovers should follow this easy advice.

Remove coffee stains from your coffee or teapot using a mixture of ¼ cup of baking soda with 1 quart of warm water. This combination also helps to eliminate the weird tastes that come from using an improperly cleaned pot. For tough stains, allow the mixture to sit for a few hours before scrubbing.

11. Clean the shower curtain

Don’t let mildew get you down. Baking soda can assist with this mold magnet.

Spot clean mildew marks on your shower curtain with a bit of baking soda. A small amount mixed with water should make unsightly stains wash right away.

12. Freshen your closet

Keep your clothes smelling fresh. Forget air fresheners … baking soda does it better.

That box of baking soda you keep in your fridge can also be stashed in other areas that need deodorizing, such as closets, laundry rooms, mudrooms, or anywhere else that has a tendency to smell a little funky.

13. Wash your car

It’s perfect for getting rid of grease. Use baking soda and save hundreds on cleaning this item.

You could pay hundreds of dollars to have your car detailed … or you could just tackle the task yourself with a box of baking soda. Since baking soda naturally cuts through grease, it’s the perfect solution for cleaning your car.

Make a cleaning paste by combining ¼ cup of baking soda with 1 cup of warm water and scrub down tires, lights, seats, rims, and more.

Also, you can use baking soda diluted in a gallon of water to wash the paint on your car. Just be sure never to use powdered baking soda directly on your exterior panels as it could chip or scratch the paint.

14. Keep pet smells at bay
Pet lovers need baking soda, too. Make sure your cat’s litter box doesn’t stink up the place.

Those odor-absorbing qualities of baking soda extend to pet smells as well. Keep your cat’s litter stink-free by covering the bottom with baking soda before you add the kitty litter. Every time you clean it, sprinkle the top with even more baking soda to eliminate odors.

15. Clean the drain

Skip scary chemicals when you’re cleaning this area of the kitchen. Unclog your drain with what you have in the pantry.

Mix baking soda with apple cider vinegar for a bubbly combination that can help to unclog your drain. Sprinkle a few shakes of baking soda down the drain, then add your apple cider vinegar and allow it to do work for about 15 minutes. Then, follow up with a rinse of hot water, and you’re done!

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