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10 Ways Cats Try To Communicate & What They Mean

Oct 13, 2017

Stereotypically speaking, according to, cats aren’t quite as expressive as dogs when it comes to letting their owners know how they feel. Still, just because they aren’t as emotive as pups, that doesn’t mean they don’t have their own vocabulary!

The truth is that cats feel just as much affection for their humans as their canine counterparts. They may say “I love you” a little differently—and it’s often in the strangest ways possible.

Here are 10 of the most common ways that your cat is trying to communicate with you every day. You just might be surprised once you learn what their “cat language” really means!

1. They knead on you: There are many theories about why cats knead their paws into you, but many researchers agree that they’re trying to return the affection you’re showing them. They just don’t know that those darn claws actually hurt!

2. They bring you dead animals: Sure, it can be kind of gross when cats hunt and deliver dead critters right to your front door (or pillow, eek!), but they usually do it because they consider you as a part of their “pride.” In doing so, they’re trying to teach you how to catch your own prey. But don’t take it as a compliment—they only do it because they believe you’re bad at hunting!

3. They rub up against you: When cats rub their heads against you, they’re actually just marking you as one of their own using the concentrated scent glands in their cheeks and head. They do this primarily as a way to let other cats know they own you. Um… congratulations?

4. They stare: A cat’s unending stare can be a little bit disconcerting, but don’t fret. First of all, they’re not really staring. Their eyes are evolved to blink less frequently than ours. Also, a steady, soft gaze means that they simply feel safe and comfortable with you.

5. They roll over onto their belly: Like most creatures, cats don’t like to feel vulnerable. So if they roll over and present their belly to you, it’s a sign of unwavering trust. This clearly means that your cat thinks highly of you!

6. They lift their tails: The positioning of your cat’s tail is a strong indicator of their overall mood. Research suggests that the higher they carry it, the more content and happy they are. And if they’re feeling really affectionate, they’ll even wrap it around you.

7. They nibble on things: You may notice that cats nip and nibble on you all the time, but it’s far from an aggressive gesture. Cats do the same when they’re grooming their kittens, so it’s much more likely that they think of you with the same affection.

8. They run between your legs: Much like when they rub against you, cats will run between your legs to mark you with their scent. This way, when you’re walking around after you’ve left the house for the day, other cats will smell that you’re “taken."

9. They purr: Have you ever wondered why your cat purrs in some moments and not in others? If you can get your cat to purr, it typically means that they’re very happy with you and with what you’re doing. So keep massaging them under their chin and rubbing their back; they love it!

Image: Threecats as communicators -

10. They follow you around: Sure, it may be annoying sometimes, but when your cat follows you absolutely everywhere in your home it’s just a sign that they like you and want to be where you are.

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