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Crystal Avalon by StarzDragonSpirit - Garnet.

Aug 18, 2016

Crystal/Stone: Garnet   Sign: Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn  Number:2

Found: Worldwide, Everywhere

   Garnet is a very common stone, what many people don’t realize is that there are several types of garnets.  One of the main attributes that runs through all of them is the element of Fire, also, it has been said that this stone will and does connect you with “All that Is”.  Garnet has been said to carry the energy that was before the Big Bang, the fire that is primordial. With this energy it “quickens” all attributes of the stone and all that it works with.  It is an energizing stone as well as regenerating. Also,  it totally cleanses all of the chakras, as well as reenergizing them. It purifies, balances and brings harmony to the entire bodies system. It brings serenity as well as passion. Garnet is known to clear any negativity, also it charges and activates other stones as well. It brings courage and hope to all those that feel there is no hope or no way out of any given situation, strengthening self-esteem and confidence as well.  Garnet helps to sharpen your perceptions, making it easier to get rid of the “old ideas” and to make room for the new. 
  While healing the emotional body it also helps to connect the mind to any past life recall, so if there is that funny feeling that you are re-acting to something that isn’t “you” or feel that there is something going on instead of just the obvious, you may want to try a past life recall, there may lye your root reason.  This stone may open and expand your awareness so that things don’t seem so limited or suffocating. Garnet is a stone of strong, intense feelings. It brings love to levels and areas that you didn’t think of or think possible. It gives stamina as well as teaching us to take care of ourselves as well as what we have to take care of in the outer world. It is a wonderful stone to wear during any type of business affairs. It also protects the aura and contain the energy within. There is so much to this great gem, and it offers a good variety as well. This is a stone that would be well worth your time to learn about, even to wear in jewelry or carry a nice piece around with you. 😊

Starz Dragon Spirit

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