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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Angel Reading Cards by Debbie Malone and Amalia I Chitulescu.

Aug 30, 2020

Guardian Angel

"Your Guardian Angel is with you every step of the way."

Do you ever wonder why you get saved from that bad accident or that feeling to go in a different direction or not take that elevator?

This shows that your guardian angel is ALWAYS around you protecting you and making sure everything is going the way it is suppose to with you!  You angel is here to guide you but to also make sure that you make your own CHOICE in your decisions, so you can make your own path.

Affirmation:  My Guardian Angel is guiding me every step of my life.  I acknowledge that I am divinely protected and guided from above.  My Guardian Angel will always show me the best way forward and it is up to me to decide which path I take.  The choices I make are of my own free will and I accept these decisions make me the person I am today.

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**Angel Cards deck by  Debbie Malone and Amalia I Chitulescu images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems.  Further reproduction prohibited.**


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