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April Weather Lore.

Apr 22, 2020

Image: April showers -
An April flood carries away both the frog and his brood.
April showers bring May flowers.
April is half March, half May.
April weather: rain and sunshine both together.
April weather is more capricious than winter.
April weather likes to repeat the April Fool's Day.
April showers bring Spring flowers.
Don't ever bet on April weather.
April wet, good wheat.
A cold April brings us bread and wine.
Oak before Ash and we're in for a splash,
Ash before Oak and we're in for a soak.
-  Ancient folklore
Weather means more when you have a garden.  There's nothing like
listening to a shower and thinking  how it is soaking in and
around your lettuce and green beans.
-  Henry Van Dyke
The fair-weather gardener, who will do nothing except when wind and weather and everything else are favourable, is never a master of his craft.  Gardening, above all other crafts, is a  matter of faith, grounded, however (if on nothing better), on his experience that somehow or other seasons go on in their right course, and bring their right results.   No doubt bad  seasons are a trial of his faith; it is grievous to lose the fruits of much labour by a frosty  winter or a droughty summer, but, after all, frost and drought are necessities for which, in all his calculations, he must leave an ample margin; but even in the extreme cases, when the margin is past, the gardener's occupation is not gone.
-  Canon Ellacombe, In a Glouchestershire Garden, 1895
Every year it seems to me I hear complaints about spring.  It is either
"late" or "unusually cold," "abnormally dry" or "fantastically wet,"
for no one is ever willing to admit that there is no such thing as a normal spring.
-  Thalassa Crusso
Whatever else seems pleasant at first apprehension, at length becomes dull by too long acquaintance.  But the pleasures of a Garden are every day renewed.  A Garden is the only complete delight the world affords, every complying with our various and mutable Minds.
-  Author Unknown
The diameter of each day is measured by the stretch of
thought - not by the rising and setting of the sun.
-  Henry Ward Beecher
The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often
for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it.
-  Patrick Young
I've lived in good climate, and it bores the hell out of me.
I like weather rather than climate.
-  John Steinbeck


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