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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck - Kim Dreyer.

Nov 18, 2019

Embrace Change 
"I move easily and confidently through the changes in my life.
Interpretation below by StarzRainsLovingInsight

We often become complacent in our lives and resist or are fearful of change.  But change brings new opportunities, friendships, knowledge and experiences.  
This card is reminding you that all things in life change; the season, your body, and situations.  By learning to embrace the changes that present themselves in our life and seeking our the positive within these changes, you will realize that change can be exciting.  
If you constantly resist change your life will stagnate and you will have little joy and may begin to feel that your life is meaningless.  The universe presents new opportunities in your life in order for you to grow and fulfill your soul's purpose.  
When change does occur, allow yourself to flow smoothly and easily with it.  Do not force not resist it.  Divine timing will allow the transitions you need to go through in your life to occur in the correct sequence and at the correct time.  Trust that all will occur when and how it is meant to.    
    Don't fear change.  Change is a natural part of life and can help us to grown more confident in ourselves and can open up MANY opportunities for us!
    Don't feel complacent in what life has handed you.  In actuality it has handed you MUCH to look forward to.  Look at your family, your friends, your job.  All these things can show you that your life is not as you seem it might be!  
    These things can help you to see exactly what it is you have that is GOOD in your life.  Don't think of the bad and let that complacent feeling go!  Go with the flow of when you see these changes coming.

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

The deck is Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck - Kim Dreyer, artwork by Lisa Hunt, US Games Systems Inc.
Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc

Further reproduction prohibited

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