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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - Ace of Pentacles.

May 29, 2016


Keyword: Improved Status. Song: "She Works Hard for the Money" Donna Summer.

Here there's a pentacle appearing out of the sky. It's sitting in a hand that's coming out of a cloud. Below, is an archway and a green field.

The Ace of Pentacles is a sign that you've made it! All that work has paid off!

Today, think about what you're working towards. What are your money goals?

What are your dreams? How will you achieve them?

What steps do you need to take with money matters to make them happen? What's one small financial change you can make today that will ensure you meet your goals?

In five years' what will your future look like? Do you know?

If you don't know, brainstorm! Talk to your spouse and decide what your joint goals will be. It's never too late to make a plan!

When you talk with your spouse or lover, your dreams don't have to be the same. Just similar. And if they're not, find someone who shares your dreams for the future!

The Ace of Pentacles means you're moving up in the world! More responsibility oftens means more money. Takes care that more money doesn't lead to more problems.

What are your money attitudes and beliefs? Do you know?

What steps can you take to change those negative beliefs? Perhaps there's a free class on money management and budgeting you can take?

I know it's not glamorous or sexy. But this is the Ace of Pentacles not the Ace of Cups!

What tools can you use to manage your money better? I love Mint by Intuit.

They have an app and a website for you to track where your money goes. It's useful for nipping spending in the bud.

In other non-money matters, the Ace of Pentacles means stability and trust. You can form stronger and more healthy bonds from a place of trust and security. Well done!

If you don't have status or wealth, the Ace of Pentacles is a sign that both are within your grasp. Get out of your comfort zone and go after them! Don't wait!

Going for the pentacle gold is scary! But you won't know if you can do it unless you try. Do it for yourself!

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) loves dogs. She wants a Papillon. Her financial dream is to open a hostel for those who've been kicked out of their family's home.

Visit her at:

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Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems.  Further reproduction prohibited.


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