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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Ask An Angel/Children Guided by Archangel Metatron.

Sep 7, 2018

Archangel Metatron acts as the link between the human and the divine.  This is exactly what children are.  It's no wonder he's the patron angel of children.

Children completely live in the now.  They live in the truth of their feelings and perceptions.  Children come completely from the God-space and through childhood learn to integrate into the human world.  As adults, we hope to integrate the lesson that the human world is the God-space dreaming and at the end of our lives we return to that original source.  

As children, the world is full of possibility.  It is a magical place to be exploded and enjoyed.  Feelings, magic, curiosity, adventure and imagination.  All these qualities live, breathe and express themselves through the open and innocent heart of a child.

If you have drawn this card today, it is time for you to open up to the wonder of life.  It is time for you to connect to the child within.  It is time to play, explore, feel and connect to the reals of possibility.  It is time to let go of the need to do and embrace the need to be.

A release from all the "should dos", the pressures, responsibilities and seriousness of busy, upright and often grumpy adult life is necessary now. Now is the time to be curious, explore, play and connect to the magic of life.

If you have children or are close to any children, use them as your guide.  Let them be your teacher and remind you of how to be free in your spirit and explore the wonders of life, creativity, imagination and possibility.

    **We must not forget that we were once children and that we can go back there to that FEELING at anytime.  Remember when we were younger and we had such a care free nature and had no worries?  This card is telling us to try to go back to that way whenever we can.
    **We deserve to be happy and care free and have no worries.  We just have to remember how to get back that feeling of no worries and care free state as an adult.
    **If we have children in our lives look toward them for how to get back to these feelings AND use them as a guide for how you can be child-like again!!

**Interpretation by StarzRainsLovingInsight

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

The deck is Ask An Angel by Toni Carmine Salerno & Carisa Mellado, US Games Systems Inc.

Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc  Further reproduction prohibited


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