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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Ask An Angel/Balance Guided by Angel Dokiel.

Sep 5, 2018

Balance Guided by Angel Dokiel

All of life is made up of dual forces.  Polarities holding in place opposite aspects of the same central force.  Masculine and feminine, day and night, the flesh and spirit, activity and passivity, thought and feeling, all of life operates through those opposing forces.

Even atoms have a positive and negative charge that give life and balance to the whole, take one away and the whole will cease to exist.

When we become aware of these functioning polarities that make up all of life, we see that our perceptions about right and wrong, good and bad are essentially only one-sided views and therefore not true of the whole.

In order to see clearly, we must recognize that both polarities operate within everything, which makes it impossible for anything to be only right or wrong, good or bad.  In fact it is always both they cancel each other out, making everything perfect just as it is, no matter which side of the coin your mind wants to recognize.

In fact, it is these dual forces that make life so rich.  It is the friction these polarities create, that gives birth to life wisdom and experience.

Once we are able to see the duality of life and release our limited, one-sided perceptions of reality and accept the perfections present within each moment, we can reflect on what role we  wish to play as part of the greater whole.

This is a time for reflecting on how you can bring a greater sense of balance to the perceptions you have of your life, yourself and your world, so that you can go to the eternal space within that is unattached to petty thought and emotion and find your own truth.  This truth will guide you.

This card is about balancing extremes.  What goes up, must come down, what swings in one direction, must at some point, swing the other way.  This card also reminds you of this.

    **We have to remember that opposites are meant to be opposites.  You can't have one without the other.  That is when we will cease to exist without our opposites.
    **Even though they are opposites we have to remember to balance them in perfect harmony.  We have to take the good with the bad and the sun with the rain.
    **Make sure to seek your own truth and when you find our own truth this will help guide you in which way to take in your life and which set of opposites you need to take into consideration.

**Interpretation by StarzRainsLovingInsight

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at :

The deck is Ask An Angel by Toni Carmine Salerno & Carisa Mellado, US Games Systems Inc.

Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc  Further reproduction prohibited


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