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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Guardian Angel Cards/Release.

Jul 21, 2018


"I release that which does not serve my higher purpose with gratitude and love."

To connect to Spirit and raise your energy, you need to release all physical, emotional and mental blockages that hold you back from reaching your full potential.  

People, objects, emotions, and experiences come into your life in order for you to learn from them, but not all are meant to stay. Release these with love and gratitude and ask Archangels Micheal and Raphael to cut and heal the cords attaching you to this baggage.  

This unwanted clutter hold stagnant energy which ties you to the past, preventing you from fully experiencing  the present and moving forward.  Once you have released the clutter, your life will open up to new opportunities and abundance all at levels.   

This card is also asking you to release your addiction to material goods.  By being caught up in the trap of consumerism, you waste time and energy on accumulating unimportant objects in your life that add no true value while at the same time contributing to the depletion and destruction of your home-Mother Earth.

    IF you are involved in a bad relationship or a bad job or family is not what you feel they should be, you need to let go and let God.  Let these negative things in your life go so you can truly feel and have the positivity, happiness and life God and the angels want for you.

    Make sure if you can't find it in yourself to get rid of this negativity that you ask Archangel Micheal and Raphael to help you to get rid of this negativity. They are here to help us to be the best and happiest we can be and they will do exactly that!

    Just remember that unwanted clutter is NOT helping you in your life LET IT GO! The sooner we release things the sooner we get what it is we deserve!

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

The deck is Conscious Spirit, Oracle Deck, Written and Illustrated by Kim Dreyer, US Games Systems Inc.

Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc  Further reproduction prohibited



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