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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Concious Spirit Oracle/Gratitude.

Jun 26, 2018


I am grateful for everyone and everything in my life and the lessons each brings.

Every day, every situation and person brings with them a unique experience, a unique gift.  This card is asking you to stop focusing on what you perceive you lack in your lie and focus on what you do have.  Your life is filled with blessings and abundance in many forms. Give thanks for all of life's gifts--the small and the big, the positive and negative.  At the start of each day, give thanks for the gifts the new day will bring.  By giving thanks in advance, you can learn to acknowledge and receive each gift unconditionally as it appears.  If you feel you do not have anything to be grateful for because of emotional, mental or physical suffering, this card is asking you to stop focusing on the negatives for this brings only more of the same  Only when you acknowledge and give thanks for the blessings you do, will you be able to heal and move forward.  Being alive is on of life's greatest gifts.  Begin by showing gratitude for life.  

You may feel that you still don't have what it is you seek but remember to concentrate on what it is you have in your life.  Also think of what you can do with WHAT you have.  You may not think you have MUCH, but KNOW you still have TONS in your life to be happy and blessed about!  If you train your thoughts to think of the positive then you will have positive come to you.  Now on the flip side of that, if you are thinking negative daily then you will unfortunately bring that to you.  This cards wants you to let go of that kind of negative focus and focus more on the POSITIVE thoughts.  It is all about manifestation!

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

The deck is Conscious Spirit, Oracle Deck, Written and Illustrated by Kim Dreyer, US Games Systems Inc.

Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc  Further reproduction prohibited


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