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Planetary Parallels.

Apr 24, 2016

There are planetary parallels in Astrology that give us views from opposite sides of the coin.  Looking at the twelve Zodiac signs and the planets that rule them we find that there are signs and planets that compliment each other because they are looking at the same thing but from opposite sides.
The Sun – Leo - self, ego, & personality, confidence, assertive, leader, arrogance, egotistical, power-hungry, show, leadership, entertainment.  Refers to The Ego, & Sense of Self.
Days 19: 1, 10, 28 -Sunday
The Moon – Cancer - the subconscious mind & emotions, caring, intuitive, nurturing, moody, shy, insecure, imagination, family, receptive.  Refers to The Mother & Baby
Days 18: 2,11, 20, 29 -Monday
Mars – Aries - physical desire & competition, aggression, active, direct, temperamental, impulsive, rude, unrestrained energy, sport. Refers to The Masculine.
Days 16: 9, 18, 27 -Tuesday
Venus - Libra & Taurus - love, art, music & society, expression, social, sympathetic, indecisive, dependent, too passive, partnerships, marriage, harmony. Refers to The Feminine.
Days 3: 6, 15, 24, 30 -Friday
Jupiter – Sagitarrius - expansion, opportunity & travel, positive, optimistic, cheerful, lazy, careless, excessive, abundance, humor, philosophy. Refers to The Higher mind
Days 10: 3, 12, 21, 30 -Thursday
Saturn – Capricorn - responsibility, duty, & "must do's," caution, serious, determination, cold, rigid, pessimism, restriction, karma, work, obstacles. Refers to The Father & Old man.
Days 21: 8, 17, 26 -Saturday
Mercury - Gemini & Virgo - intellect & the conscious mind, analytical, speedy, witty, nervous, scattered, gossipy, communication, logic. Refers to The Teenager.
Days 1: 5,14, 23 -Wednesday
Neptune – Pisces - abstract, hypnosis, & faith, compassion, idealist, psychic, delusions, confused, self-less, trance, illusion, confusion, oceans. Refers to The Spirit.
Days 7, 16, 25
Uranus – Aquarius - sudden change, surprises & new, unique, intuitive, shocking, erratic, unpredictable, high-strung, rebellion, freedom, revolution, electric. Refers to The Teacher & Knower.
Days 4, 13, 22, 31
Pluto – Scorpio - mystery, secrets & the hidden, concentration, detecting, dedicated, controlling, dominating, obsessive, metamorphosis, destruction. Refers to The Transformer.
Days 0: 00
Planet for Taurus - Unknown
Planet for Virgo – Unknown
Parallels or opposite directions -


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