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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Guardian Angel Cards/Prayer.

Apr 11, 2018


Dear Guardian Angel.  Help me dissolve past guilt or regret.  Help me to see that all is always in perfect and divine order.  Help me to let go of the fear I project on my future.  Help me to live fully within each precious moment, and feel your eternal love within and around me.  Help me to realize and fulfill my true potential.  Thank you!

You have been struggling for a very long time (even for to long) about how you are going to get by.  How things are going to work out for you.  Now is the time (not later) for you to MOVE forward and let ALL things go.  You DESERVE to be happy even if you think you may have done stuff that you feel you should not be happy.  We all repent and ask God for forgiveness and all are born new in him.  You truly need to let go of what it is that is holding you back.  God doesn't hold it, he puts it in the sea of forgetfulness.  If he can forgive what you have done, that YOU can as well.  We are humans we tend to be harder on ourselves but DON'T BE!  Just believe when you pray that he will show you ALL!

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

Guardian Angel Cards -- Loving messages from the angels  Blue Angel Publishing
Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno

Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc  Further reproduction prohibited.

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