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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - The Raven.

Oct 4, 2017

                 The Raven

I am Raven.  I am the deep magic from the north and the ancient connection between you and the immortal.  I am proof that your world is changing.  You are missing the hidden thread that bind your experience.  There are great things at work.  

There are manifestations at your feet.  I want to help you see the magic and teach you how to use it.  I am the bird that transports you from one realm to the next. I am the portal, granting you access from the solid grounds of earth.  

I am that which appears from nothing.  There is no greater power then your own will to sustain your vision.  When you see me coming down from the lonely mountain side it is time to take the reign.  I may appear only once, so grab the chance when you see it.  Take your whims and ground them.  Take your futility and shatter it to pieces.  Stop accepting the chaos around you.  Stop allowing your energy to dissipate and give it form and substance.

You are a magician.  
You are the missing piece of the puzzle.  
You are connectivity.  
You are Raven.

This bird is signifying that you can manifest anything you set your mind to.  Use your gift that God has given you to make the most of your life.  When you have a dream and not sure of the next step to take use your manifestations to bring to life what it is that you seek.  

Don't let what struggles you have around you stop you from moving forward with what it is you WANT in your life.  You are meant to be happy just as well as everyone around you.  Stop thinking you aren't meant to. This is where your manifestations will come into play and HELP YOU to get what you WANT and DESERVE!

**You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at : 

Image:  **The Winged Enchantment Cards by Lesley Morrison and artwork by Lisa Hunt images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems.  Further reproduction prohibited.**


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