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Starz Watcher Report by StarzElan.

Sep 13, 2017

Hello to all of you! 

Today we have the Sun Square Saturn, so there is a bit of challenge to work upon in regard to obligations! At the same time Our moon is in lovely trine to Jupiter and easy sextile to Uranus. Our lesson today is to stay present to the moment, and choose the path of joy among the seemingly limited choices we have at this time!!
Let me help you navigate the dance of your own birth-chart. I am an evolutionary astrologer and psychic I get messages from my guides and your guides too!
I am on most days between Noon and 6 pm MDT.
I look forward to chatting or talking  or e-mailing to give you a empowerment to sing the hymn of your soul! 


You may reach her at:

Reproduction of all or any part of StarzWatcher with StarzElan©, including previous posts, without the express written permission from Planet Starz, Inc. 


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