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StarzDestinyNewAge's Reviews

"Awesome reader. 100% accurate! I'll be back for another reading."
- Rhona

You've Selected:
From: OH

My reading sytle is tarot cards and clairvoyant.

I will open the cards and use my abilities to clearly give you advice regarding love and relationships, career and finances etc

Twin flames and soulmates advice

In addition I am a third generation Psychic & healer. I have been in business for myself for over 36 years. I will help you find Strength and at your Weakest times I will help turn your sadness into laughter. By helping you find balance mentally spiritually and emotionally. By giving you advice that will come from your spirit guides along with mine. I am also a master when it comes to healing. Releasing negative energy is imperative to finding peace of mind, and raising your vibration to bring clarity into all of your situations...