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StarzPhoenix's Reviews

"Thank you for your honesty. "
- Lweb

"I pretty much fell in love with her. She's impressive and extremely fun to chat with. Helped me greatly. "
- Samantha

"I am picky and very intuitive. I KNOW when someone is a true healer/visionary. I knew I had an incomplete healing this week- so I came to Phoenix for confirmation. She explained why the healing didn't..."
- Samantha

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From: VA

I've been clairvoyant all my life. Everything I sense energy in the form of sounds, color, empathic feelings. I understand things without being taught, and when I focus on a particular issue, know things without being told. My family used to call it "being in the way of knowing." We dont stop existing when we die. We return to Love, because that is where we originally come from. My spirit guide is my fiance Adam, who died 2 years ago. In life we read tandem, helping people together. When he passed away, he chose to stay with me, and its resulted in us still do readings together. He shows me accurate information clearly.

I've got a lifetime of experience helping others come to grips with their own psychic awareness. My goal is to normalize the spiritual in a very physical world. Transmute fear into love. We are sovereign beings. Everyone. It's normal to sense energy, to communicate with your own body cells, to see colors around objects and people, animals, plants, rocks. To feel energy in the water, in rain. It's normal to smell sickness, to feel danger in your blood and bones. To sense emergent danger in your gut. And its quite normal to have spiritual visitors in your home. Our loved ones exist after their death. They just changed form, thats all.

Contact me for help. I will answer your questions about love, family, the afterlife, career. Many blessings.