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From: MI

Hi there!

This is StarzElan

What I offer to you, is deep and wide guidance and insight for your lifepath/ soulpath, relationships/love, career/business, and any area you are feeling confusion, or just want clarity about.

I can tune in quickly to "the other", and love helping with understanding relationship dynamics from a variety of viewpoints.

I am an Evolutionary and Shamanic Astrologer with 25 years of experience, and have incredible Guides that kick in too! Oh I also communicate with animals and can help you in that area! I do past lifetime readings, that direct you into this life purpose, and much more!

We are in a time on this beautiful Earth of HUGE transition! There is much dense, energy being released to be healed and let go of. My goal is to help you live in true alignment and balance with your own unique purpose, richer in spirit. As you grow and heal you help the world!

I am also a healer trained in Plants Spirit Medicine, and a Certified Hypnotherapist and Massage Therapist ,Rieki and EFT practitioner.

It is a precious dance...... life upon the Earth. The time is now to sing the song of your soul!

I am usually available in the eves and nights EDT., and may be also available some mornings, so please check.

I can't wait to assist you in self empowerment, peace and awareness and direction. You deserve it!

Peace and Love,
