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From: WA

We are truly spiritual beings having a human experience. We are here to be fully functional and alive - and, with the sum of all our parts, become the best we can be. There are so many of us that are searching for answers about their lives right now - particularly life purpose. For your information, all readings are minimum of 20 minutes, due to preparation time.

Astrology is an amazing tool to help us understand why we’re here on this planet, and can help us understand WHY we might be going through rough times -

If you feel stuck, then we can talk about that.

If you are in a relationship that isn't working, I will help you figure out why.

If there are career issues and questions - I will give you information that will help you make the next important steps in your life COUNT.

I will be your best coach - no matter where you are in life. And completely on your side..

I LOVE doing astrology and empowering others - I have been practicing and counseling people for 24 years. Astrology, for me, has been a saving grace, and has helped me answer questions about my own life, and life's purpose. I combine my strong intuitive skills with common sense to assist you in being the best YOU that you can be!

My motto has always been - to inspire, uplift and empower YOU to YOUR ultimate potential!