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StarzMartiJo's Reviews

"She was really fantastic! quick, honed right in..highly recommend. Blessings to her."
- GF

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StarzMartiJo has been a professional Psychic Reader/Advisor for over 25 years. She is Clairvoyant, a Spirit Medium, and an Empath. MartiJo utilizes humor and psychic insight as she channels guidance from Spirit Guides, Angels, and a group of Higher Entities she calls The Masters. She receives her messages as words seen or spoken, images, and tones.

MartiJo considers her greatest ability to be recognizing and reweaving patterns. She has shown many clients and students how to recognize and reweave such patterns in their own lives through her various gifts and abilities.

In the past, this Reader/Advisor was part of the Starz Family and has returned to grace Starz Psychics with her many talents.