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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Archangel Chamuel (he who sees God)

Feb 24, 2018

Archangel Chamuel

This card represents the archangel Chamuel and means he who sees God. He teaches us pure love, unconditional love. Love of our-self and love of others. He will help us to repair relationships with loved ones. He will help you recover from broken relationships as well and be able to move on from them. She tells us that in order to love others we are to LOVE ourselves first and foremost!

Chamuel is also THE angel who sees God. With him having a closeness to God as he does, he has the ability to teach us unconditional love and that in turn will help us to LOVE others! When we have rocky relations with loved ones and broken relationships with our partner he will help us to REPAIR all those relationships! If the relationship with our partners are NOT meant to be, then he will help us to move on from them, he will help us to see that it is for the best to move on if that is what God wants for us, to move on.

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

Image: Angel Inspiration Deck by Kim Dreyer, The Winged Enchantment written by Lesley Morrison Artwork by
Linda Hunt
Image used with permission of USGames Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited.*

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