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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The greater good, the influence and power of the collective" Part 3.

Nov 10, 2016

"The greater good, the influence and power of the collective"
Part 3

If you are familiar with my guides' and how they channel information for the blog, then you probably recognize they use a lot of analogies to help with insight. This is also how they have always shared information and taught me various spiritual principles and universal laws or commonalities. That which is applicable regardless of the who or even what.

When we begin to understand the constant and subconscious "collective" among other factors we begin to accept certain spiritual rules or that which cannot be changed or undone.

Our connection to the collective is energy, unseen or not actually visible as a cord or tie, but for many there is an awareness that exists as a feeling; just as any connection and much like what we feel towards specific individuals. As long as we are physically present, alive and a part of the human race, this cord, extension or connection is constantly present. When we leave the physical world to continue our journey on another realm or in an alternate universe (Such as Heaven etc.) our spiritual energy forms a different level of connection or attachment. This blog and/or topic are geared towards those that are living upon this earth and where our focus, insight and guidance are directed.

So although no matter our conscious thoughts, intentions and even actions; that attachment, connection or cord cannot be totally broken, cut or severed. It can however become weaker or stronger, higher or lower and in these shifts the vibration of this compiled energy can inspire or even cause destruction in all aspects of our lives'. And again we remind that because we are talking about the "collective" energy or the attachment among all of humanity, our individual or personal strength or weakness of such cord can and does affect others.

So although it always remains in existence or attached, the attachment or the level of such connection can shift, change and vary.

If we use the electrical system most of us universally employee, we can perhaps understand how an energy - in this case the collective cord/connection shifts. So if you can imagine all the electrical outlets say for example in your home, regardless if that home is an apartment, single family home, or any other variation the theory remains identical. We have electrical receptors throughout our home, that carry the current or power and in a sense are on "stand by" until something is plugged into that plate. So metaphorically it represents the constant and unwavering connection that attaches each of us to the main grid, which are all other humans. Even when nothing is plugged in or that particular plug or receptacle is not in use, there is power. The access to the higher or greater power is not visible but remains active nonetheless. This connection or power suddenly comes into use when we plug into the contact point a lamp, fan, or anything which relies on this energy to function.

Spiritually it is much the same; as stated the attachment/cord/connection cannot be destroyed nor created based on the principles of energy, whether electrical or spiritual. We can however whether conscious or unconsciously detach to a degree or ignore the potential of such energy or power. And likewise, we have the option always of reaching towards that collective energy and increasing what is sent or can be shifted in our direction. So the same principles apply; those who acknowledge and seek the advantages of the collective energy are in essence, "plugging in the lamp" and those that pull away or ignore such potential leave the source untouched.

And for humans spiritually the lesser of such a cord or connection is used or witnessed by numerous intentions and actions. So some examples of those that weaken this cord or pull away from the power of the collective are those that seek only to serve self. There is no thought consciously or otherwise to the possible effects and the negative impact their actions can have upon the collective. And when we use the word collective or share insight on those that disregard the honor and blessing of the collective it can be just one person, our family, friends, co-workers or a specific group. For example a person that carries great prejudice against a specific race, religion or culture can cause harm or that IS the intention. And when the collective breaks apart into "groups or clusters", the collective energy is fragmented and splintered. (More on that later) Also examples would be those whom actions intentionally cause harm, distress or any type of pain, emotional, physical and spiritual to another. So a person that murders, or attacks another human not only causes great pain and tragedy to their victim, but to the families, friends and can even cause great distress within an entire town or community, therefore effecting the collective. And it can in certain scenarios cause major changes, perhaps laws or rules are changed that in the collective sense are not positive but seem necessary due to the actions of ONE person.

In the positive or on the positive side, we all have the potential or chance to tap further into that same collective energy by giving to the level or vibration, but also seeking the solace and comfort available.

So for example; a human that shows great compassion and respect and perhaps volunteers her time to the less fortunate, maybe working serving food, or helping to advocate. This not only helps that individual receive a hot meal or warm coat, but the positive energy is transmitted throughout the collective (and also back to the originator) and can shift or cause a great deal of positive changes. Perhaps these actions help open more shelters or food service kitchens, or a grant of money is given, or even such person becomes an inspiration to many others. Just as with the negative, that one positive deed can turn an entire community into a more loving, giving group making many more aware, so that they give and the energy grows or blossoms as a gift or blessing.

For those that may feel challenged by life and/or current circumstances; whether financial issues, job or career, relationship or even physical health problems. The power of the collective energy can help. This can and does create an amazing transformation by adding more faith, greater hope and the energy of being in peace and our state of grace. Just the shift of our energy can be manifested to the universe and with the help of Divine, can then bring about literal changes within our life and path. Intentions or thoughts reflect our energy and this is what is received by the rest of the world. So it makes sense that when we are at our highest level, regardless of our current circumstances we attract that of our greater good and to our personal best.

My guides also mentioned early on that the collective energy was or is the "greater good" and therefore each of us as individuals are as well. It may be difficult to understand that when dealing with those pulling away or ignoring the collective, but for those that seek the energy or vibration; the transformation is nothing short of amazing.

And the only requirements are to believe in this collected source of power-energy-influence and vibration. Once we accept, embrace and believe we can call upon such influence or in a sense the stronger, deliberate and intentional assistance to help us reach that higher state. So it literally is no more than just a thought or intention away. We can follow our own rituals, prayers, meditation, candles, etc., or we can just imagine the millions connected and simply "think" or manifest the surge that we may need from time to time.

The collective or universal energy is not just a part of our spiritual connection, but a tool or a gift, and it is always within our grasp to utilize this to our positive advantage.

Next, when the collective energy becomes threatened or divided, what truly happens and how.  ~

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