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Crystal Avalon by StarzDragonSpirit - Herkimer Diamond.

Oct 28, 2016

          Herkimer Diamond

Crystal/Stone: Herkimer Diamond    Sign: Sagittarius   Number: 3

Found in: United States, Mexico, Spain, Tanzania, etc…

       I love this crystal, it energizes, it opens everything happy and good for everyone, it even opens creativity that is a world in itself.  It is one of the most powerful attunement stones available. It opens the psychic abilities in everyone whether you are aware of it or not, also, spiritual visions, telepathy, even linking to a higher power , it may also be used to attune yourself to another person, or activity.  Also, there is an Amethyst Herkimer available from Tanzania and Mexico. Herkimers even attunes you to your own higher potential, it clears the chakras and opens the channels within for energy to flow, they even give us the tool of accessing past life information so we are able to see blockages within ourselves.  These gems are known to relieve stress and are power boosters for other crystals, they also help with dream interpretation. They also assist with gently releasing what is blocking you so that you have smooth transformations, this way it brings your souls purpose into view for you to see. They bring harmony into our lives and those that are around us. It also assists with expansion of our own awareness, also, assisting with balancing the emotions as well as the mental body. They also connect to other dimensions and are great for setting up light grids. These stones are very powerful stones to work with, and have such a depth to them that it may surprise you after you have worked with other different types of stones. I definitely say, if you are drawn to it, get one for the tool box. And I do hope that you do more research on this stone on your own, it is well worth it. Happy journey. 😊

Starz Dragon Spirit

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