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Life Stories by StarzAstroWand - "Live With Love".

Feb 21, 2020

Live With Love

It's time to realize there are some things in life we simply cannot avoid!  Instinct kicks in and it all happens no matter how much we may not want it to.  And what I am talking about is the instinctive urge to mate!  We cannot avoid it.  Everything loves.... humans, animals and even plants!  Everything alive has the urge to love and be connected to something!    What to do about it is the tricky side of it all.  We all have the image in our mind of a perfect mate with 2.3 perfect kids in the bedroom of paradise.    But we find out that relationships are the hardest job in the world.  It all starts out with the people who raised us, our relationship with the family circle.  Then we have to adjust to the partner fate sends us. Then we find out having kids is one of the most difficult, life changing things that will ever happen to us, but for some reason nature kicks in and most of us don't do a bad job caring for that tiny little human that came out of our body!   (I have to admit I was more than a little jealous of the egg laying creatures when I gave birth.)
Life is full of other creatures who are also doing what it takes to survive.   Everything interacts  with everything else and depends on all the other things around it to stay alive. It is the challenge of life to figure out how to mingle and get along with all the other living creatures around us.  Think about it.  Bugs, bees, birds, skunks, mice,  trees, flowers, grass, weeds and humans all live together and everything has the same 'need' in order to  survive! And we all must do it  together here on the same planet.
For the girls:  Before you seek a mate learn to take care of yourself and support yourself.  Learn how do something and get a good job, take care of your own life.   Pay attention to everything around you, human and otherwise.  Realize everything has the right to be alive and figure out how to live with it ...find your place amongst the other beings, and  decide where you are most comfortable.    Learn how to be alone and enjoy your own self-made surroundings.  Make your own environment and decide what happens and when.  Be around what makes you feel good whether that is animals, plants, or just you and the universe.  Once you are comfortable and secure with being alone then you are ready for a partner.  You will know what to look for and what to avoid.  You will know what kind of environment is best for you and makes  you feel 'at home'.   
For the guys:  You expect  'commitment'  to mean you get sex anytime you want.  You feel it means you have someone cooking and doing the laundry.  Go talk to a husband, any husband.  Get the real information you need and be honest with the person you think might be a good bet.  And please realize that your sperm is what makes a woman pregnant,   and if you don't want a child....well, talk to someone about that, too, ok?
Finding the right partner will not be easy but if you know yourself, and what you like, and how you fit into the universe, your energy will automatically attract the right situation to attract the right person.  Be picky, be yourself.  If anyone is not happy with who you are, close that door.  Remember, your life does not depend on being with someone.  You have learned to support and take care of yourself and be part of the world around you.  That in itself is a good life.  But there are always those in the world that need you.  Find your place, find yourself, and the right situation will find you, including the right partner.   Let it all come together... you, the universe, and life.  Remember what you say and do will always affect someone else in some way,  so be part of the world and tell fate what you want... it will will come.

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