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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck - Kim Dreyer.

Dec 11, 2019

The Present

"I fully experience every moment of my life by living in the present."


Interpretation below from StarzRainsLovingInsight

This card is telling you that it is time to release the past and trust that the future will be as it should be.  Align yourself to the now.  Become fully present in everything you do. Don't worry about what has been or what might be.  

By experiencing the moment, being in the now, your energy is aligned to and focused on the task at hand.  This allows you to give 100% to whatever it is you are doing and help align yourself with the laws of attraction.  

By doing this you will be able to achieve more success.  If you are not in the present you easily lose focus and concentration.  By living in the present you will experience every gift, every opportunity, every miracle of each day, and gain a greater appreciation for life.  

Most of your worries stem from the past or the future.  Living in the present releases you from fear and worry and allows you to begin to experience a life filled with greater abundance, joy and contentment.  

This is telling you to live for the NOW.  Don't let the things from the past affect what you are or need to do in the future. The universe wants you to be happy with what you have in life and what you will gain.  It doesn't now want you to hold on to the fear and worry of your past.  God wants you to have a life full of ALL.  Life is to be a present and that is what the present should be A GIFT!

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

The deck is Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck - Kim Dreyer, artwork by Lisa Hunt, US Games Systems Inc.
Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc

Further reproduction prohibited


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