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Life Stories By StarzAstroWand/"Changes: Cop End".

Dec 28, 2018

Vindication: Cop End
There are times in all our lives when fate drops something in our lap and we are not given time to decide what to do or how to act. Other times we have time to think about it but still can't decide what to make of it, so we just have to jump in and hope we can handle it. The one sure thing about it is that we will learn from it, and the next time fate drops something in our lap we know more than the last time! Hopefully it helps us make a better choice! Like when being stopped by a small town cop late at night to check and see if I had been drinking ended up as a job as a cop. How in the world would anyone be able to figure that one out except realizing that fate usually sends us what we are supposed to have at the moment, and it's up to us to play it out and do the best we can...
The cop had stopped me late at night just as I was turning into the street where I lived... (well, where the kids and I were staying until I found another job.). I was not drunk, but not sober either, and I told him the truth, I was out job hunting and yes did have a couple of drinks. He ordered me to stand where I was on the cold fall night holding my cat against me for warmth while he drove off with lights on. I was willing to stand there all night if it kept me out of jail, but as it was he came back in about 10 minutes with a handful of papers to fill out with a loud order to "be at the police station at 8:30 in the morning!" I figured it was probably some kind of program for drivers who were not bad enough to be in jail, but not good enough to be let go without a no-no of some kind. I was okay with that.. But the next morning I discovered the papers were a job application as a Police Matron! Talk about fate dropping something in my lap! I never hesitated! I jumped in totally without a second thought, and it was years later I understood exactly why.
I was given the job. I had no idea what the job was, but the police Chief sat me down in his office and we talked. This was back in the day when there was no such thing as a 'Me Too' movement. Men could do and say anything they wanted and women had to just deal with it, and it was apparent this chief was one who often used his position to get what he wanted. Lucky for me I had worked in a situation where I learned how to answer with a cute, blinky smirk that said: 'maybe some day', but actually meant 'not a chance, dude'. He said: " You start training tomorrow, wear a dark blue skirt and a white blouse." And so began a year I cannot compare with any fate-drop I have ever had since, but would not change for anything. There are times when it's worth the ride...
I was 27 years old, single mother of two great kids, and had been out of work for a few months. Times were a bit rocky at the moment so when the cop job presented itself I took it. It paid half of what I was making at the job I had just left, and was working very strange hours, but for some reason I felt no hesitation. I knew this was meant to be, and enjoyed almost every moment even though I had NO idea what I was doing. I began training to be the radio dispatcher for three law enforcement districts, City, County and State, operate the fire whistle for three towns and take all calls from people who were needing help! All at the same time! In addition to this I was in charge of the female prisoners, had to fill out 3x5 index cards on everything and everyone and file them so anyone could be fully informed at any time. Plus, during each shift I was the one sending teletypes to other agencies to spread the word about crimes and criminals. (In this day and age it would all be done on a computer, but back such thing existed.)
I don't know why, but none of it bothered me, it sank in, it made sense, I took to it like I had done it before. If anyone believes in ' from another life' type thing, this would be one of them. When I came to work every day, the lady who worked the shift before me filled me in on what was going on, and I just picked up where she left off. I worked two days - two swing shift and one graveyard. I won't go into how tricky it was to find child care, but somehow I did, and to this day I cannot figure out how I managed to get along financially, but I did. There was a reason I was there and fate was making it possible. There are times when we just have to trust our instincts, and this was one of them. We managed.
I made friends, worked with a team of good guys and learned more about life than I ever did before or after. I saw things from angles I did not know existed. But there were also things that were not right in the department. I knew I was not allowed to do or say anything, so I didn't. I worked my job, I helped people, I went on drug raids, I had a loaded hand gun in my desk, I wore a badge, I blew fire whistles and dispatched fire trucks and cops, I booked prisoners. But I also handled sexual harassment on a daily basis using the smile-but-no-way skills I had learned from a different job. And time went on, until the Chief started showing the not so good side of him. I saw things I knew were not right. He did things that were very damaging, but no one fought it, he was the Chief!
But one night he stopped by my house with another man. They were both very drunk and the Chief was doing the driving. Loudly he said, with my kids in the bedroom, "If you won't sleep with me then maybe you will sleep with this guy and let me watch!" I felt my world crash, the cop adventure was coming to a close, my heart was breaking. I looked outside and saw a patrol car parked there. No lights, just quietly sitting there to take care of any problems that might happen. I motioned to him, he walked up to the open front door and stood just out of sight. I turned to the Chief, and said: "Get out of my house.". He started to make moves to become physical, but at that moment the cop outside stepped into the light of the door. The Chief swore and swung his bottle of booze around, then he and the other man staggered to the door, got in their car and drove away closely followed by the patrol car.
The next day when I went to work there was a notice on the desk saying I was being assigned to permanent Graveyard shift.. None-negotiable. He knew I could not work that shift more than once a week because I could not find child care. The lady sergeant very quietly told me the real reason behind this notification was I refused to sleep with the chief, so I knew my job was done. I wrote a letter of resignation, worked my shift, and left. I never went back. I got a good letter of reference in the mail, but the cop shop was a closed deal. That was a year that caused more growth than any since.
But a few years later the reason behind all of this adventure would be made clear. Luck found me again, and I had gone back to my job at the country club, renewed my association with the city fathers and owners-of-everything and my status had risen since I had been, after all, "a cop!" I was treated with a lot of respect with NO bad behavior of any kind! Already it was all paying off. Then, one night, I got a call from the Mayor, he said we needed to meet secretly. Very late that night, behind a dark building, he asked me things about the police department and said my name would never be mentioned by anyone at any time, ever. I said what needed to be said, and in less than a week the Chief was fired. All of his illegal actions at the Department were finally stopped; it had nothing to do with me, but without my year there, his actions would probably have destroyed the town. Fate had given me a year of adventure, with a reason...There are times when we just have to hang on and go for it...

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Image: 133466182   Date: Nov 30, 2018

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