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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Conscious Spirit Oracle/Earth Angel.

Jun 24, 2018

Earth Angel

I am guardian of Mother Earth and protect all who live on her.

This card is a reminder to you that it is time to awaken the protective angelic side of yourself in order to safeguard the earth and all life on it for future generations.  Begin by ensuring that your actions and words are supportive of a sustainable future for this beautiful planet. Through active participation in living a harmonious life with all of nature you can show others the way forward.  Be unselfish and compassionate in all your dealings with people, animals, and all of the natural worlds.  Show compassion to friends, family, and strangers through daily random acts of kindness.  Remember though, that expecting something in return negates the sincerity behind your good deeds.  Give unconditionally!  By sharing and caring for all life of this planet you will help raise the energy, bringing the earth closer to a point where fear can be replaced by love and future generations can have their own hopes and dreams for a better future.  

As with all angels around us, there is an EARTH angel as well!  She looks after the Earth and everything in and around her!  We need to start using our own love of this Earth to ensure there IS a FUTURE for generations to come!  When we deal with ALL living things, animals, people, plants, birds, bees, ALL OF IT, we need to start treating each other with compassion and kindness.  It all starts with one person and it will carry forward from person to person, nature to nature and species to species!  We can achieve this through paying it forward, so to speak, do unto others as you would have done unto you.  Be compassionate and kind to others and we WILL have an Earth to pass on from generation to generation!

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:
The deck is Conscious Spirit, Oracle Deck, Written and Illustrated by Kim Dreyer, US Games Systems Inc.

Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc  Further reproduction prohibited


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