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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Guardian Angel Cards/Action.

Jun 11, 2018


Drop all fear, and just do it!  You have the power to create and be whatever you truly want.  Look inside your heart and take positive action in those things that bring you closer to achieving your desired goals.  Nothing can stop you except your own fears.  This card is positive confirmation from God and the Angels that the time if right for you to start a new and exciting venture.

This kind of connects with the courage meaning from a previous card.  It is saying DON'T BE AFRAID to just go out and DO!  Leave all your fears at home and in the background.  Whatever it is you feel like creating just follow through with it.  This is about you and YOUR goals.  You are destined to be happy and do what it is YOU want!  You will be ever closer to what it is you seek when you take ACTION! Just don't let you fears weaken you and stop you in your tracks!  The Angels and God is looking over you to make sure you make things happen!

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

Guardian Angel Cards -- Loving messages from the angels  Blue Angel Publishing
Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno

Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc  Further reproduction prohibited


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