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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Angel Cards/Courage.

Jun 10, 2018


Dare to be different; to make mistakes.  Create, for it is in creation that you exist.  In this world of dreams, that stem from the eternal heart, you are one with all creation.  All is possible.  Go forth and be true to yourself for it is only through being true to you that you can be true to others. 

If you make mistakes, don't think it is the end of the world.  We learn from these mistakes.  Just don't be afraid to go out there and try new things because you don't think you are courageous enough or that you will make a mistake to do that.  Go out and experience the things that you want to.  If you feel it is about creating something whether it be a building, or an art piece or whatever it is just go out and DO IT!!  Don't fear the mistakes that will come with it, this is all part of being true to yourself and in turn being true to others!

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

Guardian Angel Cards -- Loving messages from the angels  Blue Angel Publishing
Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno

Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc  Further reproduction prohibited


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