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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Guardian Angel Cards/Dear Guardian Angel-Prayer.

Apr 19, 2018


Dear Guardian Angel, To you I pray.  When I'm fearful, help me remember that only love is real.  When I'm lost, help me find my way.  When I'm confused, help me to regain clarity  When I feel lonely, help me feel your loving presence.  Where I perceive chaos, help me to see the order.  Thank you.

When you pray, just know that the angels and God hear EVERY WORD you say to them.  They want to make sure you KNOW without a doubt that they love you and will do what they can to help you in this thing called life and this wacky world.  KNOW that you are never alone especially when you pray to them.  That is when you are closest to them and can know for certain that you truly are loved.  They want to assure you that there is so much more to your life and to you then all the chaos you maybe feeling around you at this point in your life.  Know that they are helping you to gain knowledge to know what will be coming for you and what will be leaving your life at this time!

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

Guardian Angel Cards -- Loving messages from the angels  Blue Angel Publishing
Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno

Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc  Further reproduction prohibited.


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