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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Rooster.

Mar 12, 2018

Rooster (card number 30)

I am Rooster, the rising sun and break of day.  I am vitality.  I am sexuality.  I am the eternal matrix of fertility.  I am the time to act and the need to use force in creation.  I am fire and momentum.  While the feminine nurtures all things created, I am the force that shapes the created.  I will guide it.  I will give it life.  I will mold its most useful form into place.
Now is not the time to tend to worn out things, but to light the fire of new life.  

While you can acknowledge those time of stillness and acceptance, I assure you this is not that time.  I am creator God, wielding the power of seed and continuity. I am the domain of reproductive potency.  Unleash potential and start making things happen.  I will give you the new dawn you seek.

You are eternal potency.  
You are conception.  
You are dawn's triumphant herald.  
You are Rooster.

When Rooster appears you know it is time for fertility and things being created.  He will make sure that now will be the time to have things progress toward what has been expected for a long time.  

You will have to take that step to make sure the next step happens for you and don't leave it for fear it won't pan out.  If you do the step needed it will be triumphant for you.  This could be an idea you have or something else you may desire!

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

Image:  Angel Inspiration Deck by Kim Dreyer, The Winged Enchantment written by Lesley Morrison Artwork by
Linda Hunt   

Image used with permission of USGames Systems, Inc.   Further reproduction prohibited.*


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