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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - The Parrot.

Sep 27, 2017

I am Parrot the fierceness of color and the flash of life.  I am the climax of magical color and the blending of light and shadow.  I am the bridge of communication. I will mimic you, teaching you the proper use of integration and expression.  I am the power of words and effects of speech.  I can learn your voice with as much ease as you can learn mine.  Words are portals in time, framing the evolution of verbal magic there are no barriers except those created by humanity.  We are all different colors of the same spectrum. 

This may be a time to clear your throat and let your voice sing out. I am flamboyant and dazzling.  I want to be seen.  I yearn to be heard.  It is time to break down the walls and explore the vastness of your brightness. Integrate everything you hear around you.

You are dazzling.  
You are expressive.  
You are free-spirited.  
You are Parrot.

The Parrot is telling us it is time to let others know how you feel DON'T hold back for fear of what others will say.  You are a very open person and others really do like what you have to say, so don't fear it let it out!  

You will hear much around you and it is saying to LISTEN to it and pass it along.  Don't be afraid of what you hear.  If you feel the need to pass along what you hear DO SO!  It is your guides and angels telling you to pass it along!

**You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at :**

Image:  **The Winged Enchantment Cards by Lesley Morrison and artwork by Lisa Hunt images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems.  Further reproduction prohibited.**

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